Sunday, May 4, 2014

Listen to English by TV and Radio

Listen to television or radio news in English on your computer. From this page you can get instant access to English language TV and radio news programmes wherever you are in the world, without a TV or radio. Perfect for listening practice.

From these pages you can access to English Language TV and Radio news programes wherever you are are in the world on your computer. 

     'Let's check these out !!  click the link to go to the page'

VOA Learning English
Launched in 1959, Learning English is VOA's multimedia source of daily news and information for millions of English learners worldwide. Audio programs and captioned videos are written using vocabulary at the intermediate and upper-beginner level and are read one-third slower than regular VOA English. Online texts, MP3s and podcasts let people read, listen and learn American English and much more.

BBC Word Service
The BBC (British Broadcastic Corporation) presents free news and current affairs programmes with a mainly British English accent and Western bias.

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