Monday, May 5, 2014

16 TENSES.. ('open in new tab' to zoom the image)




Change the word in the bracket in order to complete this story by using  an appropriate tenses!

I am a student. I study English at College of Education. I am studying about English grammar now. I have brought a grammar book and have read it all, but I still don’t get it. I have been reading it since an hour ago by now.

  • Who is she? She (not, look) like a student, but she (bring) a grammar book, and LCD Projector too. Now she (come) to this class. Is she a lecturer? I (not, see) her since the first day.  
  • Yesterday (to be) the happiest moment for me. I (go) to the movie and (watch) The breaking dawn part 2. I (wait) this movie since last year. Luckily, my friend (buy) one ticket for me before I arrived, so I (not, need) to queue. When I (wait) for the show, suddenly a super cool guy came and (take) an empty seat right beside me, and (smile) at me!, how lucky I (to be).
  • Tomorrow will be the most important moment for me. I (have) my first work interview. So tonight I (prepare) it, I will learn some common questions and answers in work interview. I (also prepare) the best outfit, because tomorrow, I (sit) in front of the persons who will hire me. I (have) had my breakfast before leaving, because I (probably, wait) since morning until my turn. I will have to make sure that I will have fresh breath as I will be speaking while they (listen). 
  • I am sorry, I know it is too late by now. If only I could go back, I would come to that time. I (have send) you the letter telling that I (leave) and I wanted to know whether you would come with me. I (wait) for you in the airport for 2 hours. I (think) you had made up your mind, so I decided to leave alone. If only I had found you there I (will have) (marry) you. We (raise) our babies right now, in our beautiful house.   


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